Selasa, 21 Januari 2014

The Next Galactic Federation Consul from Earth Representative

Ladies, Gentleman, Aliens, Monsterious creature, Ionized plasma cells, floating bodily fluids, and many other mischief and their acquaintance. In the name of God i shall welcome you all to our Galactic consulate main ship "The Hepahistos" to listening for the candidate campaign. As you know my name is Alidza Fauzi or 1000001 1000101 1001001 1001000 1111111 1000001 in Binaries numbers. This heavy duty may become determinant for our future, so i hope whoever elected for the first consul of galactic federation must be wise, smart, effective, dedicated, and mentality strong. With this such absolute authority he or she must can take advanced solution for many trouble that we have to faced. Then i will tell you about my vision and mission. My vision is to unite the member of galactic federation and make all of them prosperous under the banner of federation. As you know that our hostility with Ba'al Homman Empire become threat, then we need to unite and bring peace across the planet. As the first minister of Peace from earth i will declare my postulant to become first consul and bring peace and harmony both for galactic federation and Ba'al Homman Empire. My mission is i will increase the rate friendly diplomacy with all planet state, Increase the federation Imperial army, and open more trading route with safety. then for the developed planets they must help another developing planet to reach their developed status. To achieve this we must work as team, avoid the racism, open the information freely, and let us hope another prosperous day for all members of galactic federation . That is all for my speeches thank you for your attention may the Creator bless us all. Victory for federation once and for all!

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