
The film opens on Chateau de Fontainebleau in 1814, after the disastrous Russian campaign and the defeat at Leipzig, with Paris besieged by the Austrians. Napoleon Bonaparte is urged by his marshals to abdicate. He totally refuse it, but upon hearing of the surrender of his last army under Auguste Marmont he realizes there is no hope anymore. Then he is banished to the island of Elba with a personal guard of 1000 men, but manages to escape and returns to France.

Napoleon invades Belgium to quickly defeat the Allied forces piecemeal before they can unite. Meanwhile, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington , the commander of the British forces, attends the Duchess of Richmond's ball. One young officer, Lord Hay, is engaged to her daughter, and the Duchess begs Wellington to keep him away from the battlefield. The ball is interrupted by the Prussian commander von Müffling, who announces that Napoleon has crossed the border. Wellington realizes that Napoleon has got between himself and the Prussian forces. Hastily looking at his map, he decides to attempt a stand at Quatre-Bras at the same time openly admiring Napoleon's genius.
Then what is Napoleon decision to defeat Wellington in this very decisive situation?
Production and expenses

To recreate the battlefield authentically, the Russians bulldozed away two hills, laid five miles of roads, transplanted 5,000 trees, sowed fields of rye, barley and wildflowers and reconstructed four historic buildings. To create the mud, more than six miles of underground irrigation piping was specially laid. Most of the battle scenes were filmed using five Panavision cameras simultaneously from ground level, 100 foot towers, a helicopter, and an overhead railway built right across the location.
Moral Value
Do not attack each other find the war solutions by peace diplomacy
Be obedient to the leader
Decide problem solving properly and quickly
Source: en.wikipedia.org
1. Who is the main person in the waterloo film?
A. Louise XVIII of France
B. Dino de Laurentiis
C. Napoleon Bonaparte II
D. Duke of Wllington
E. The first French emperor
2. How many foots soldiers are needed to produce this film?
A. lim┬(x→∞) (300x^2+600x 1/(72√8000x))
B. 15.000 cos 0
C. lon 10000
D. 7
E. ∛2333
3. Who is the second in command for French army?
A. Napoleon Bonaparte
B. Duchess of Richmond
C. Von Muffling
D. Marechal Ney
E. Marechal Soult
4. How much the expenses to produce this film?
A. £38,8 millions
B. ¥38,8 millions
C. €38,8 millions
D. ₣38,8 millions
E. $38,8 millions
5. Why does Napoleon urged to abdicate
A. Because his son replace him
B. Because his mother replace him
C. Because Paris has besieged by Austria
D. Because US has sign the declaration of Independent
E. Because his mother in law went mad